Episode 42

Published on:

14th Jan 2019

042 Cyclical Superpowers with Stasha, The Period Coach

In this episode, Sophia Wise One talks with Stasha, The Period Coach about the unique qualities of each phase of the menstrual cycle and the magic that we can all experience from following its natural energetic rhythm.


Key Takeaways:


  • Whether or not your body literally bleeds, you can absolutely benefit from listening to the rhythm of the cycle, particularly by following the moon’s cycle.


  • The four phases: menstrual, follicular, ovulation, and luteal, each correspond with a season, winter, spring, summer, and fall and it is really sane-making when we schedule our lives and expectations around that ebb and flow of energy.


  • PMS is not a phase of the menstrual cycle!


“But the freedom that you feel when you’re no longer living in that linear, goal-oriented manner that it’s amazing how much more you actually get done. And yet, it feels so much easier and time just takes on a new perspective!” Stasha on the deep trust and patience in only doing the work that each phase can support.


“It has a patience that requires a trust in your own wisdom, as opposed to a patience that requires a trust in something outside of you” Sophia on the transition into organizing your life around your cycle.




Stasha’s website: https://theperiodcoach.com (free period tracking mandala available)

Instagram: @StashaWashburn

Facebook: Stasha, The Period Coach

Twitter: @StashaHealth

I am Sophia Wise One: Daughter of the Wind. I am calling you to Rise Up, Rise Up, Rise Up. Rise up and take your place.


This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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About the Podcast

Vagina Talks
Celebrating the truth of who we are and clearing the pain, shame, and guilt out of the root. (Previously was Medicine Caller)
Vagina Talks with Sophia Wise One is a podcast where embodied world-changing powerhouses and I turn poison into medicine through the alchemical journey of dismantling the lies we’ve been told about who we are, what we are, what we are supposed to be and do, and what we’ve been doing so that we can remember the truth, share the truth, and eventually become the truth. 

#CompostingThePatriarchy through all the arts: ceremony, music, body reclamation, visual and sculptural art, liberatory pedagogy and education, plant wisdom, sexual re-education, alchemy, trauma recovery, and subtle vibrational field augmentation, to name a few.

It’s a landscape of enjoying our own and each other's personal power. Here, we collectively cocreate a planetary culture that is caring, restorative, generative, optimizing, and kind.
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Sophia Wise One

Podcast Host and Executive producer. Speaker, Mentor, Singer, Poet, Creator, Medicine Caller, author, dreamer, pray prayer, lover of life,